The Bible teaches the God created this universe. But science teaches that it evolved by itself. Which is true?
Before going into the topic I would like to tell you few things related to this topic.
The Bible speaks about a kind of ignorance. It’s called willing ignorance. (We can read the verses in II Peter - Chapter 3, Verses 4 and 5, to see about willing ignorance). Ignorance means I don’t know. Willing ignorance means I don’t want to know. There are some people who are really ignorant about God. There are many people today, who are willingly ignorant about God. So if they get something that can try to prove there is actually no God, it is really tasty food for them.
In 1859, Charles Darwin wrote a book called “The Origin of species”, that book became popular among the willing ignorant. So by political influence, in the name of celebrating the 100th anniversary of the publication of this book, many scientists pushed this idea into science text books. So in 1959, this idea is introduced into the science text book of America.
Why people are willingly ignorant about God?
The moment God comes into the picture, you are the countable (i.e) you have to give the count of your deeds to the God. So if you can somehow push God out of the picture, you can live your life as you like. So when this theory came, people goggled up. But still today Darwin’s theory is not proven.
Now I will give you some points.
Suppose if your ask your friend,
“Do you believe in law of gravity?” Then their actual response will be, “What do you meant by believe, it is a law. There is nothing to believe that. That is true”. “Do you believe the earth revolves the sun?” “What do you meant by believe? That is fact”.So there is no belief or faith connected with these things because they are proven facts. They are laws.
But when you ask them, “Do you believe in the theory of evolution?” they have to answer “yes’’ or “no”, which means this theory involves a faith.
It is “Theory of evolution”. There is a difference between law and theory. Law is proven. Theory is just a suggestion, it is not proven.
If they say “no” it is no problem. If they say yes, then I must ask, “You are saying ‘you believe that’ which means, it is not science it is a religion. Then how can you take a faith/a belief which is unproven, and how dare you push it in a science text book as though it is true?”
There is one unanswered question in evolution. There is a law in physics, a law - a proven fact – II law of thermodynamics. This law simply means “Everything in this universe gets worse and worse all the time and everything decays”. But the theory of evolution states that “Everything gets better and better”.
Another unanswered question in evolution, “How did matter come from nothingness?”. The law of conservation of matter says, “Matter neither be created, nor be destroyed”. So “How did matter come from nothing? How did life come from non life?”
There is a story called “Fairy Tale” about a frog becoming a princess. A price took a frog and kissed it, the frog became princess. So if a frog becomes a princess quickly, it is called “Fairy Tale”. If it happens after millions of years, it is called “The theory of evolution”.
One day a scientist and a Christian were travelling in a plane. Evolution came into the discussion. So the Christian asked the scientist “What do you believe, how the world came into existence?” He said “I believe in the Big Bang Theory”.
“What do you mean?”
“Millions of years ago all the matter in this universe was compressed and compressed into a small piece of dust. And one day the dust started spinning. (Don’t ask question how it started spinning. Law of conservation of energy says, “Nothing can spin without application of energy”. But don’t ask that question. It started spinning, believe it). It spun and spun and spun so faster, and finally the elements in the piece of dust cannot remain together. And one day, there was an explosion, called “big bang” and then you had stars, solar systems, galaxy and all came into existence”.
The Christian stopped the scientist, “Wait wait wait wait… You said that in the beginning there was dust. Where did the dust come from?”
The scientist said “I don’t know”.
Then the Christian told “I will tell you how the world came into existence. In the beginning God created The Heaven and The Earth”.
The scientist said “Wait wait wait wait.. Where did God come from? “
The Christian said “I don’t know”.
Then the Christian asked another question “I believe in the beginning God, you believe in the beginning dust, which is better?”
There is another law which is violated in this theory. That is law of conservation of angular momentum. I will explain you in a simple way.
Suppose 4 children are sitting in a merry go round. 4 foot ball players are pushing that merry go round. First 10 km/ hr. Children are very bold. They are screaming at the foot ball players “faster faster.. “. Now the football players increase the speed 30 km. hr. Now they are silent, they are holding the merry go round, or they will fly. Now the foot ball players are even faster 60km/hr. Now the children are screaming “stop stop stop... It is too fast”. But the football players pushed it even faster to 100km/hr. Children loose grip on the merry go round they all started flying.
Now the law of conservation of angular momentum says, “When these children fly out of these merry go round, the children rotate in the same direction the merry go round rotates.”
So In the big bang theory after explosion of mother piece of dust, all the objects should rotate in the same direction of the rotation of the mother piece of dust. But now in our solar system itself, Venus, Uranus and Pluto are rotating in the opposite direction. At least 6 moons in our solar systems rotate in the opposite direction.
This shows Big bang theory is stupid.
You can see pictures in text book of monkey becoming man in different stages. You know not even one of those men’s signs was found. Only parts of the men’s like tooth, parts of leg are found. They discovered one day a leg, which was bent like a monkey’s leg and human leg also. They did further research and they found that was a leg of a man who died by the sick of arthritis. But they hide that fact and they continue to publish in the text books like theory of evolution is true.
One day Christian Scientist was asked “Is there intelligent life on other planets?” He says, “There is not only no intelligent life in other planets, there is no intelligent life in this planet either”. The Bible says, “Claiming to be wise they become fools”.
In science there is a term called “Irreducible complexity”. Any system is called irreducible, if it will not function when you remove one of its parts. For example take a pen. Remove the cover. It works. Remove the body of it and throw it away. It still works. Now remove the nib and throw it away. Now it won’t work. This means you cannot simplify it further. So a when a system or object stops working after removal of any part, it is said to be irreducible object.
They are so many cells irreducible in human body. There are cells like eukaryote, Flagellum. You remove any one part of that cell, it stop working. The meaning is this. All the parts of that cell have to exist together at the same time for that cell to function. So how did that cell come into existence from simpler forms? Scientists have no answer for this. So we have the answer, God created it.
There are some animals that exist today that defy evolution. Scientists say, all living creations come from common ancestor. Because all animals have eyes, ears, nose, mouth, etc. in different forms. But there is a woodpecker in Australia. Its tongue starts from it’s back of the neck and goes round the head and goes to top. Goes into nose and comes out of mouth. How evolution explains such a creature? No answer. Now you consider a multi store building. Suppose you pump water from ground floor to top floor you need a powerful pump. Now consider the Giraffe. It has to pump blood from the heart all the way up that long neck to the brain, so it needs a very powerful heart. Suppose that giraffe bends down to drink water, this power pump will push blood so fast, so the brain explodes. But amazingly Giraffe has valves in blood vessles that close every time the giraffe bends down. Evolution says initially in the early days millions of years ago, these living creatures have faced certain difficulties and they started rectifying their own body members to counter those difficulties. But the first giraffe that ever existed would have faced not a difficulty but death itself when it bent down to drink water when it did not has those valves, then how do the next giraffe comes into existence? There is only one answer to this. In the beginning God created The Heaven and The Earth.
Praise the LORD.
Thanks: Bro. Teju